Passion doesn't get you out of bed everyday. This does…


Easy Read


Finding your passion’s in out of fashion…

Look for an obsession instead.

As far back as I can remember I had no clue what to do with my life. None whatsoever.

Parents and friends thought I’d make a great teacher, but I’m way too introvert.

So I went to University to fill the void and make it seem like I was “busy” getting an education that may lead to a job.

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It didn't. What I got instead was education burn out and anxiety about what the heck to do next and how to find a “passion” to fulfil me.

Believe me when I say, there’s no gold at the end of that rainbow.

So I just started trying things and found that…

Wondering will get you nowhere. Wandering will get you everywhere.

So I wandered into retail work. Not for me. I tried working in a restaurant. Same story.

I tried working in a cafe. Loved it. Making coffee brings me joy, even today. Still, I wasn't going full pelt at it.

But, then I tired something a little left field …

My brother came to me with a business idea, a marketing agency.

Now I was clueless —and I mean clueless — about marketing. But I had an interest in Social Media, and the exhilarating lure of entrepreneurship got a big “sure, why not” from me.

Over the next 4 years my eyes where taped open. This industry was mad, exciting, and dog-eat-dog crazy. I was working with some of the biggest clients in Northern Ireland. I was reading in the evenings gasping for more knowledge. Interrupting my wife to jot down ideas.

I. Was. Obsessed.

And that’s today’s lesson…

Obsession. That’s what you oughta be searching for. You often hear the question “what’s the meaning of life?” You’ll find it next to ‘I can’t find my passion.”

You should really be asking “what’s a game worth playing?” And that comes from a place of becoming obsessed with something.

Try everything and anything that gives you that gut feeling. It’s how I found marketing. How I found writing.

Passion is illusive, we don't really understand it.

But obsession…yes, we relate to that. TV shows, video games, the lives of celebrities. We froth at the gums over it all.

What you’re looking for then is something that gives you that same feeling. Something to consume you. To wake you up at night. To think of in the shower. To interrupt your wife over. Then dig and dig and dig. Deeply. And obsessively.

Here’s 3 ways to know if you’re obsessed with something…

  1. You’re naturally drawn to it. Like a firefly to light. It’s something you want to, nay, feel compelled to do.

  2. You have a knack for it. Most mechanics enjoy fixing things. Most authors enjoy writing.

  3. The keyword in no.2…enjoy. You light up when you do it. And you just wanna keep on doing it.

And since you spend about 16 hours of your waking day working, why not do the thing you’re obsessively thinking about?

“But Ryan, how can I make a living out of painting mini figures?”

Have you tried?



Easy Read


Marketing & Repetition