File this one under “shockingly obvious” but writing blogs …

Isn’t actually copywriting.


That’s right, its
content writing.

There’s a big difference.

The sole purpose of copywriting is to get customers to part with their hard-earned cash.

While content writing exists to drive traffic to your site, boost SEO rankings and typically educate the reader.

All of that stuff is still super important. Which is why I offer to write blog posts.

But enough of the marketing lesson, lets get to selling you my blog writing ability so I can get paaiiid baby!

Wait … wha … what’s that? Blog writing is …

… is dead?!

And unless you can add value that’s never been added before, you don’t stand a chance because deep-pocketed companies and AI bots are taking over!

Or … at least that’s what one random guy in r/blogging says:

Don’t snigger, he’s focusing on quality content

Well, there it is folks. The death of blogging as we know it.

Looks like we’re done here.

Sorry to waste your time.

I dunno why I’m still bothering.

It’d be foolish of me to even TRY and argue against random reddit guy.

Alas, I will NOT stoop to
showing you that
blogging can still yield
results like this
which bore no fruit …

VeryGoodCopy converts 20% of visitors through blogs alone.
All rights to Eddie Shleyner who is killing it and you should check him out after you finish reading the rest of this page.

Or this … which definitely isn’t a business built solely on blogging…

Yeah … that says 250,000 visits and annual revenue of up to $50m. From a site built on blogs only.

Just to be clear, I am not … N-O-T saying you can still get smash hits like these with blogging.

So you can stop looking at me funny.

Those guys must have faked their results from their “blog-only” businesses. Damn fonies!

Or …

Hmmm …

… what if they didn’t?

Maybe those ARE the type of results you can STILL get from a well written, well strategised blog.

Well I’ll be …

While random reddit guy is right — every business and their aunt has a blog these days — and he’s also right that tons of them fail.

That’s because they view the words they write as “SEO boosters” so “we can get to page one on Google.”

The problem is, that’s inward thinking. The goal is selfish rather than selfless.

Content must serve the reader in one way or another.

That’s where I crack my knuckles and shine.

Blogging is a perfect space to leap-frog competitors as the industry leader. A place were customers can really buy into your business. And buy into YOU.

A place to offer free value, advice, and give so willingly that one article can have a profound impact on someones life.

Thinking “them first” has a substantial long-term benefit for you. While they may not buy right away, they’ll remember you as that place that taught them that thing.

Then … they keep returning, you keep delivering, they trust you more, and eventually …

They buy from you.

But before all that there are steps to take. Steps like:

  • Knowing your niche

  • Generating ideas

  • Forming a strategy

  • Keyword research

  • Narrowing down topics

  • Link building

And then there’s the writing that needs to be:

  • Skimmable

  • Helpful

  • In-depth, but not overbearing

  • Entertaining

There’s a lot to think about.

And that’s why you’ve read this far, and why you come to me.

When you do we’ll:

  1. Hop on a call so you can fill me in on the deets about your blog plans. Then, I send an invoice and a link for you to give me more in-depth details about your brand, customers, and all the stuff I need to get writing. [Simple stuff, but powerful]

  2. Next I review what you send back, then audit your current blogs before offering up my views on what ways we can improve. You look through my suggestions then give the green light for me to write and deliver your spanking new copy.

  3. This part usually includes some audible disbelief and profanity on your part like: “Holy Sh*t! You’ve smashed this!” I smile smugly, we roll out the copy and monitor it for a few weeks to make sure it’s exactly what the doctor ordered. Normally we see a lovely bump in conversions and then I hang my keyboard up for another while. Neat, huh?

Simply click below and lets create an irresistible blog.