How to write movies for the mind
Easy Read
When you tell a story … imagine it playing as a movie in someone’s mind.
Vivid language, relatable characters, realistic scenes. Like you could close your eyes and watch it unfold behind your pink lids.
That’s the money. Helping readers visualise your words at all times. Be there with you in the scene.
If they can’t … you risk leaving the land of entertainment and …*GASP!* boring them.
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However … keeping them drooling for more is much easier than you think.
The trick is to …
Always provide a physical location for each moment of your story.
An example:
Version #1
My brothers name is Anthony. He’s getting married today, which probably explains the sweaty palms and flushed face. He’s normally a calm person but the nerves have him pacing back and forth twiddling his thumbs. He’s greeting guests through jittery smiles and eyes ready to let loose with tears. His bride is almost here. I’d like to think when they are stood together, all his fears and nerves with melt away.
Version #2
I’m stood at the top of the chapel looking down the long Isle at my brother battling his anxiety. His name is Anthony. He’s getting married today, which probably explains the sweaty palms and flushed face. He’s normally a calm person but the nerves have him pacing back and forth twiddling his thumbs. He’s greeting guests through jittery smiles and eyes ready to let loose with tears. His bride is almost here. I’d like to think when they are stood together, all his fears and nerves with melt away.
One of these versions makes the story a meal, a movie in the mind.
The other is like an essay and needs cleared from the table entirely.
To keep the film rolling in your readers head, let them know where you are at all times.
A simple sentence will do it.