Does my copy need to be short?


Easy Read


I see this common misconception all. the. time.

“Since I have to quickly show that I’m valuable, I better explain exactly what I do right away.”

The result of that?

Landing pages, websites, emails that breeze over the problem, completely minimising the emotion and human element that is driving the audience to search for a solution in the first place.

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David Ogilvy writes:

“Long copy sells more than short copy, particularly when you are asking the reader to spend a lot of money. Only amateurs write short copy.”

I don’t fully agree.

Short copy has its place. But what I think Ogilvy is getting at is:

  • podcasts last for hours

  • Best sellers are 100s if not 1000’s of pages

  • Popular blogs can be over 5000 words

Attention spans aren't short. You’re just not giving people a reason to stick around and see what you’ve got to say.

Longer copy gives you a vessel to do that. So write what you need to and not a syllable more.

By Ryan Heaney.



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