Copywriting that helps you …
Market like you’ve
always wanted to.
Copywriting that gives you back the time and mental freedom to focus on running your business without the worry of marketing burning you out. You focus on the investor meetings, the client calls, and product development … I’ll focus on creating consistent messaging to make you less noisy and more interesting so you can market with confidence.
What say you?
Well well, looks like someone has their head screwed on!
Not “all in" just yet it seems.
My guess is you’re looking answers to:
Who are you?
What do you even do?
Why should I give a crap?
Why was Old Man Smithers always the one under the mask in Scooby Doo?
(You’ve stumped me on that last one, I’ll be honest)
And that means it’s time for me to get down and wordy with some copy … so you hire me.
Happy enough?
Splendid. Onward.
First things first…I’m Ryan and This Is Copy. Home to my wife’s favourite copywriter.
This lot agree with her…
But how often do you trust the opinions of strangers. You could easily make up your own mind by chatting with me yourself.
Still scrolling?
I thought as much. But all good, I’ve only three more things to say.
(Number three is the most important thing if you want to nail your copy.)
And if your messaging doesn’t feel quite right, I suspect you might benefit from reading on.
Because I’m about to reveal how I can help you avoid ever feeling ‘homesick’ in your own business again by writing words that
fire. people. up.
O.K thing #1 …
I believe I know why you’re really still scrolling.
It’s because you don’t have time to find the words to describe your business.
How could you? You’re too busy dealing with the stress and anxiety of owning a business that drains you mentally, sometimes to the point of misery (even if you’re super laid back).
You need to be the director, the worker, the admin, the marketing team, the accountant, the cleaner..... All whilst being a parent, a husband or a wife, supporting family, friends... it’s one of the hardest things you will EVER try and balance.
I know, because that’s me too.
But NEWSFLASH: we’re just normal folks with hectic lives.
Unfortunately, that means writing for and marketing your business rarely makes the top priority list.
So … you hire a writer who doesn’t fully get your brand and go through a drawn out process like:
getting a pitch about a super awesome, super effective type of marketing that has made somebody CRAZY amounts of money.
You talk pricing, try it out for a few months and see zero results, all while paying a hefty monthly retainer.
Then you pull the plug, unhappy with the results and more skeptical the next time you hear a pitch for a “new way to market.”
Or … you pan it off to a marketing team whose calendars are jammed with “Calls with Steve” and posting about some International Day on socials. Then they end up writing some generic statement like:
“Our business is one of the top companies in our industry. We supply stuff to clients throughout the world and we are the industry leading manufacturers of innovative solutions that customers trust.”
(a prime example of “we we” marketing)
Or something to that effect.
Sound familiar?
While such one dimensional copy may not apply to all reading this, I’d bet my house that its the case for most. Too much us, not enough you.
And several months down the line you’re still smacking that ketchup bottle for the results you’d hoped for from the start.
All while being spoon-fed the cheap and sugary philosophy of just give it time.™
(The devious trademark of literary slickers who have been fooling people for years.)
I say friend, if this
all sounds a
bit too real then…
have I got good
news for you.
As a business owner, you have an unexpected ACE up your sleeve: your one-of-a-kind, undeniably human, flesh and bone self.
Every brand has its own drama, its own personality, and its own selling point. Its a good writers job to find it.
And you should let me.
And you CAN by clicking here to get started.
O.K thing #2
“How do I know you’re not exactly like the rest, just trying and sell me something that won’t work?”
The great thing is, I am trying to sell you something. Shamelessly as well…because I’m a business, just like you. Funny how that works.
As for being like the rest, I’m not saying I’m better than them. But I am different. And what I do has worked for these guys…

Now, I dunno if it’ll work for you. But I do know I am UNWAVERING in my mission.
Remember that generic statement from before? I’m here to ANNIHILATE them all and replace them with clear, concise, and true messaging.
Words people can be confident in, that actually tell their story and connect with readers.
And as it goes, I know a thing or two about doing that.
I started this copywriting gig in 2019, a year after finishing my Masters Degree…
(Oh look, a flagrant attempt at showing you I’m well educated)
It was back when I was climbing the rungs of the hospitality ladder, scraping plates and making sure old lady’s coffee’s would (as per their request) “burn the roof of their mouth.”
I spent years as a barista and restaurant manager with no real routine because of varying shift hours.
I came home everyday with coffee grinds under my nails, food stains on my clothes and pure distain for the general public. I… (unsurprisingly)…didn’t like my job.
But my timeline altered when I found copywriting.
FINALLY something I can bite into and obsess over.
Something lovely discovered by chance.
At the time I didn’t even know what copywriting was.
“Is that like law or that little ‘C’ in a circle you see everywhere?”
Turns out, no.
It’s writing emotionally driven words that persuade people to buy stuff.
And since I was a decent writer at University (I had lecturers praise my style with almost each paper I wrote) I figured I may as well give this a shot.
Fast-forward four years and I have another Degree in Digital Marketing, written for multi-million pound companies like Translink and Kingspan, award winning start-ups and innovative agencies…
…and started my own freelance copywriting business.
I’ve had my work praised by the clients I’ve written for including top marketers and business folk throughout the country.
And now I plan on DESTROYING pretty much every typewriting-monkey that is plaguing the copywriting world with shoddy lifeless drivel.
Oh look … a third chance for you to hop on board.
Thing #3
The most important thing you need to read.
The real reason other writers, maybe even you as well, haven’t been able to crack your messaging is…RESEARCH!
The reason why you’ve experienced such long-drawn out processes with underwhelming results is because the person writing likely had a crappy research process.
Think about it…
How often have you seen writers or marketers jump feet-first into tactics and expect to rise in praise and glory?
Loads, right?
They fall into the pit of writing before thinking. Meaning that the only original thing coming from these cowboys is their invoice.
Research is the most
important phase.
It’s where you draw out the emotion of your prospects. Skipping over it is a fast way to make yourself replaceable.
The good thing for you is I’ve been perfecting my process over four years, plucking strategies from copywriting greats — Daniel Throssell, Eddie Shleyner, Kim Krause Schwalm — so that I understand entirely who I’m writing for, and what I’m writing about before I even pen a word.
I like to call it “take it to the street marketing” because its based on on-the-ground research rather than slavishly following a brief laced with assumptions.
Here’s how the whole thing works:
Phase #1 — You push one of my buttons and fill out a contact form. We arrange a date for a first meeting where you fill me in on what you need, when you need it for, and what you want it to do. We vibe, then I send you my invoice for 50% and a survey where you offload the dirty deets about your product/service. I’ll then do some further research till I know your customers better than their own GP.
Phase #2 — I lock myself away in the home office, make a flat white, stick on some Lo-Fi beats, and focus my sly hands on spinning words like silk. I’ll send you over the draft copy, wrapped up in a neat Google Doc. You’ll gush at how you love it to bits, we’ll put it out to the world, and everyone else will gush at how THEY love YOU to bits.
Phase #3 — You pay me the remaining balance and I vanish into the shadows, never to be seen or heard from again. MWAHAHAHA! Just messin’. Could you imagine? No, I’ll stick with you to check the copy performance for a month making sure I hold up my end of the bargain. We can make any tweaks so that your words are like manna from heaven for your readers.
This is the exact process I’ve used for my other clients and is designed to help me write mind-expanding, knock-em-off-the fence words every time.
Meaning you can wave sayonara to frustrating problems like:
Throwing words at the wall hoping they’ll stick
Feeling like you’ve tons of content but aren’t doing any of it very well
Spending hours writing instead of developing your business
Getting suckered by online ‘guru’s’ who promise the earth but give you dirt because they base everything on “gut instinct” not deep research
Wondering what to write about, and how to write it
Hand-holding freelance writers who don’t get your business, are stuck in a rigid style and tone, and who go MIA on communications for days, missing deadlines.
Stressing about the balance between showing your expertise and talking to your readers problems
Feeling like your marketing team is in fairy land 90% of the time with their “calls with Steve” and “self-care posts on socials.”
How to give ‘value’ in what you write
Plus! Once you hire me
you get:
Knowledge of how to write MUCH better, without pulling a muscle by using irresistible but simple words.
My three-stage Copywriting Trifecta process which leaves virtually any reader jumping feet first into your offer. If you feel like a faker who’s making this marketing stuff up as you go, chances are its because you’re not spending enough time in stage one. Its the stage that ‘flaky’ writers breeze past leaving them with tone-deaf and broken copy. Or worse…stuff that sounds the same as everyone else!
The discovery that fast and good writing are not incompatible after all.
The 25 questions I use for every project that get under the skin of your customers and brand to produce pin-sharp, pleasingly effective copy every. single. time.
The cure — yes cure — for the maddening monotony that is “engaging content for your business that gets results!” Another trademark expression of clunky copywriters who burden you with vague words that bore readers to tears.
Access to a reasonably priced, well educated, flesh-and-blood copywriter fired up on kicking crappy copy right in the wrongs and blocking the damned from ever haunting you again.
You’ve been a long time sufferer of powerless words. Ready to stop sitting on your hands and have me write some disgustingly good copy for you?